Hannah girl scouts

Through the A PONY Program, PBJ Connections partners with local schools to provide psychoeducational groups to youth where they can work on leadership, coping skills, self-esteem and positive communication. The schools identify up to ten students at a time who are struggling with a diagnosed mental health issue, an issue with behavior at school, or a home life issue that is effecting their schooling. The school transports the students to PBJ Connections for 90-minute group sessions once per week for ten weeks.

The overall Goal of the A PONY program is to positively influence at-risk youth. This goal is supported by the objectives:

  • Objective 1: To increase leadership, empowerment, and positive communication in participants.
  • Objective 2: To show an increase in positive school attendance during the intervention weeks.
  • Objective 3: Participants will gain insight into their own behaviors, mental health issues, and feelings.

Reach out to Info@pbjconnections.org to get pricing and schedule your group!

Contact Info
9734 Jug Street Rd NW,
Pataskala OH 43062
Phone:(740) 924-7543
Fax:(740) 924-2002
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